sampermans guido

Dr. Guido Sampermans

D.D.S., M.S.

Dr. Guido Sampermans graduated in 1980 as a general dentist from the University of Leuven, Belgium. In 1986 he started his private orthodontic office in Belgium and in 1997 in Heinsberg, Germany. From 2003 to 2010 he led an orthodontic office in Maastricht, the Netherlands. In 2010 he opened a brand new orthodontic office in Echt, the Netherlands. This office is considered a state of the art orthodontic office, including progressive concepts about service and efficiency using the latest digital developments.

Dr. Sampermans is an affiliate member of the Angle Society in Southern California (USA) and has taught orthodontic treatment philosophy and orthodontic practice management both inside and outside of Europe for 15 years. He also offers micro-seminars in his office on self-ligating brackets, indirect bonding, computer related 3D technology, and modern practice management. Since 2003, he has been a speaker at 30 orthodontic congresses. He has first-class knowledge and extensive experiences with pre-adjusted appliance systems (Andrews, Roth, MBT, Roncone). He has worked with active self-ligating bracket systems since 2003, finishing over 5000 cases with this system.

Rx Handout


Empower, Self Ligation

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